
Ultimately coworking is global movement. As more and more work gets done remotely, it was inevitable for people to want a way to work and still be connected. At face value Appleton Coworking is an office space to boost your productivity, but its larger significance is that it is a place to learn and be connected with people. With that in mind we founded our space on five core values:

  • Community
  • Collaboration
  • Openness
  • Accessibility
  • Sustainability

We got this idea from Alex Hillman.

We are a member-driven community. That means we are self-determining. Every member has a voice and a vote. We all get a say in the kind of place we want this to be. Because we are a non-stock corp., that means that nobody owns Appleton Coworking; it exists for the community and is run by the community. We have lots of volunteer opportunities so help us make an awesome space!